Davis Downtown Season of Hope Coloring Contest WINNERS!!
Thank you so much to our three winners from our various age brackets. Congrats to Natalie, Naomi and Josh!!!
Each of our winners received a $10 gift card to the Avid Reader
in Davis.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and New Year! Thank you to everyone who participated in this fun contest! We loved all of the entries! And thank you once again to our coloring page designer, Katherine B.

Congrats to Natalie!

Congrats to Naomi!

Congrats to Josh!


Davis Downtown Season of Hope Coloring Contest rules:

Download, print, and color this unique and awe-inspiring Davis coloring page designed by the wonderful and talented Katherine Berdovskiy. All kinds of art supplies and page enhancements are allowed. We encourage creativity!

Mail in your coloring page postmarked by December 16th to PO Box 72497, Davis, CA 95617 and be entered to win a prize. OR Drop it off to the Davis Downtown office at 826 2nd Street between Dec. 4th–18th. Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 12-5pm or Tuesday 3:15-5:15pm

Three winners will be chosen. One from each age group:
• Ages 7 and under
• Ages 8–12
• Ages 13 and up

Prizes include a $10 gift card to a downtown business of your choice and your art and photo (optional) published on our social media and website! Entries will be judged on neatness, use of color and originality. The decision of the judges will be final.

Questions: Call Aaron Wedra at (530) 574-7306 or email aaron@davisdowntown.com