DDBA Membership

Downtown Davis is a 32-block Business Improvement District (DBID) formed in 1989. The DBID empowers business license holders in the defined area to self-assess annual fees to ensure the economic well-being of the district. Activities of the DBID include marketing, events, and advocacy.

Davis Downtown (DDBA) was organized concurrent with the formation of the DBID in 1989 and is the entity approved each year by the Davis City Council to execute the business of the DBID. A 7-member Board of Directors, elected each January by the Davis Downtown membership, guides the vision and mission of the organization.

The day-to-day operations of Davis Downtown are overseen by an executive director and a project manager. Specialized consultants assist DDBA staff with marketing, outreach, and event coordination efforts.

Our Officers

Kevin Wan
Kevin WanPresident
Nate Yungvanitsait
Nate YungvanitsaitVP
Kevin Duncan
Kevin DuncanTreasurer
Brett Maresca
Brett MarescaSecretary

Our Board

Paul Takushi
Paul TakushiBoard Member
Randii MacNear
Randii MacNearBoard Member
Nu Yung
Nu YungBoard Member
Kyler Klingberg
Kyler KlingbergBoard Member
Marcus Marino
Marcus MarinoBoard Member
Tim Mech
Tim MechBoard Member
Rachael RyenBoard Member

Board Liaisons

Katie Yancey
Katie YanceyCity Liaison
Terry Selk
Terry SelkVisit Yolo Liaison
Mabel Salon
Mabel SalonUCD Liaison
Carrie Rohrbach
Carrie RohrbachChamber of Commerce

Our Team

Brett Lee
Brett LeeExecutive Director
Shaylee Marr
Shaylee MarrProject Management Consultant
Heather Logan
Heather LoganProject Consultant
Patrick Curzon
Patrick CurzonOperations Assistant
Autum Foss
Autum FossEvent Coordination Consultant
Richard Jia
Richard JiaSocial Media, Content Creation, Web Development
Brandon McKee
Brandon McKeeSocial Media, Content Creation, Web Development