Please visit the Interactive Parking Map for detailed locations.
All non-permit public parking in Downtown Davis is FREE (other than in the E Street Plaza Parking Lot), but please note that many spaces are time-restricted or subject to the Re-Parking Restriction. The Davis Police Department enforces all public parking in Downtown Davis.
Parking is prohibited 2:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m. on many Downtown streets to accommodate weekly street sweeping. Overnight parking is not allowed in the Amtrak lot without an Amtrak permit. Check parking signage for specifics.
4th & G Street Garage (835 4th St)

3 hours Free
$1 per hour after 3 hours.
$5 max daily rate.
M – Su: 6:00am – 2:00am
1st & F Street Garage (101 F Street)

3 hours Free
FREE Parking: Sat, Sun, and Holidays
or with “X” Permit
8:00am – 6:00pm
The E Street Plaza Parking Lot meters accept payment via cash or credit card for an unlimited period of time at a rate of just 25 cents per every 15 minutes or $1 per hour. There is a 10 hour time limitation in the E Street Lot. For visits of three hours or less, two parking structures are available: 4th Street and G Street and at 1st Street and F Street. Both garages have FREE three-hour time limits in designated areas. Additional time in the 4th and G Street lot may be purchased at the meters provided.
20-minute zones (indicated by a green curb) are located at the corners of many blocks throughout the Downtown and in many public parking lots. These spaces help accommodate short-term parking for quick errands, as well as for loading and unloading.
Two-hour and 90 minutes parking spaces, as well as the paid parking in the E Street Plaza Parking Lot, are enforced Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with no enforcement on Sundays and holidays. Check parking signage for specifics.
Commonly known as the “Block Face Re-Parking” ordinance, this 2006 Davis City Council action serves to restrict re-parking on Downtown streets in the same block, including city parking lots. After two hours in a parking space, a vehicle must be moved away entirely from the block (or lot) in which it was parked, not just to another space on the same block. The re-parking restriction includes both sides of any block between two intersections.
The vehicle may not be parked again on that block until four hours have passed since the vehicle first was parked on the block. The only exceptions are for vehicles parking in the three-minute passenger loading zones and the 20-minute parking spaces.
For more information about the Re-Parking Restriction, please contact the City of Davis parking enforcement division, (530) 747-5444.
Downtown business owners and employees are encouraged to use City of Davis “X” permits, park in outlying areas, or use alternative transportation (such as bicycles or buses), so that parking in the Downtown core is preserved for customer use.
Generally-speaking, X permit parking rings the periphery of Downtown, is available in the 1st and F Street lot, and the Boy Scout Lot. “X” Permit parking is available to all Downtown business owners and employees.
For permit parking maps, as well as downloadable permit application forms, please visit
For the 2015-2016 year, pricing for X permits begins at $120/year and is pro-rated by month of purchase.
Avoid permit fees by arriving to work Downtown via these transit options:
(530) 758-4220,
Davis Community Transit
(530) 757-4408,
(530) 752-BUSS,
Handicapped Parking
Handicapped parking spaces are available in all of the public parking lots and structures. Designated with blue markings, handicapped spaces are strictly enforced and are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Vehicles with valid handicapped placards displayed also may park for extended periods in timed or permit zones throughout the Downtown.
Electric Vehicle Charging
Four public electric vehicle-charging stations are available Downtown, in the E Street Plaza Parking Lot, in the Amtrak parking lot and two in the 4th and G Parking Garage. Cars not equipped for electric re-charging are prohibited from parking in these spaces.
Construction Vehicles
Licensed contractors working on projects within Downtown should purchase construction permits, available through the Davis Police Department. Parking of construction-related vehicles is preferred on peripheral streets and parking lots away from the Downtown core, whenever possible.
RV, Trailer, Tour Bus and Wide Vehicle Parking
The City of Davis recommends that recreational vehicles, vehicles with trailers, tour buses or wide vehicles such as rear-wheeled pick-up trucks, park on streets on the periphery of Downtown. Citations may be issued for such vehicles parked in City lots without advance permission to do so.
Motorcycle Parking
Motorcyclists are encouraged to park in specially marked motorcycle spaces in the E Street Plaza Parking Lot, the lot bordered by 3rd, 4th E and F Streets and along the H Street alley-way (adjacent to the Village Bakery).
Davis Farmers Market Parking
Visitors to the Wednesday night and Saturday morning Markets are encouraged to park in the lot behind City Hall at 5th and B Streets. Parking also may occur on City streets, per posted restrictions. For more information, contact the Davis Farmers’ Market at (530) 756-1695.
Amtrak Parking
The lot adjacent to the Davis Transit Depot is free to riders of Amtrak. Parking is restricted to Amtrak riders only Monday – Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Amtrak riders must display an Amtrak parking pass in the vehicle’s window in order to avoid citation. On weekdays, parking is unrestricted in the Amtrak lot after 5:00 p.m., and there are no restrictions on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
Public Transportation
Avoid the hassles of Downtown parking by arriving via these transit options:
(530) 758-4220,
Davis Community Transit
(530) 757-4408,
(530) 752-BUSS,
Recommendation #1:
Establish paid parking in Southeast Quadrant.
- Boundary: Roughly D Street to the west, First Street to the south, Third Street to the north, railroad tracks to the east.
- Meter rates should be established to achieve an 85% average occupancy rate within the Southeast Quadrant. Initial recommendation:
$1.00/hr peak (11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.)
$.50/hr off-peak (all other times).
Adjustments should be made as needed
- Extend parking durations to 3 or 4 hours.
- Other assumptions to on- / off-street parking include:
Free parking:
90-min on-street parking outside the Southeast Quadrant
2-hr on surface lots outside the Southeast Quadrant
3-hr in parking garage
Daily parking as indicated in map
Permit parking as indicated in map.
Recommendation #2:
Increase employee parking location options.
- Expand “X” permit parking into Fourth & G garage, subject to negotiations with property owner.
- Develop the “Regal Lot” at the northwest corner of Richards Blvd & Olive Drive for “X” permit parking.
- Utilize Old North Davis for lower cost employee parking through a new “O” permit. Proceeds of this permit would accrue toward infrastructure and traffic calming improvements in the Old North Davis neighborhood.
- Consider Old East Davis as opportunity for additional “X” permit parking.
- Actively engage in discussions with UCD on possibility of downtown employees using Lots 5 and 10.
- Evaluate potential to operate evening shuttle for downtown employees parking in peripheral employee permit areas.
Recommendation #3:
Increase employee permit fees and streamline employee parking to single “X” permit.
- Increase “X” permit fees to between a minimum of $10/month ($120/yr) and a maximum of $30/month ($360/yr).
- A new lower cost “O” permit for Old North Davis which downtown employees could purchase should be priced at $8/month.
Recommendation #4:
Convert Amtrak Lot to paid parking.
- Fee assumption: $5.00/day
Recommendation #5:
Restrict delivery vehicle double-parking between 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. for the area bounded by Second Street, Fourth Street, D Street and G Street (data could be used to refine limitations over time).
Recommendation #6:
Eliminate on-street green waste in downtown for the area bounded by First Street, Fifth Street, B Street, and the railroad tracks.
Recommendation #7:
Shift parking enforcement hours to 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Monday – Saturday.
Recommendation #8:
Establish tiered-fine citation system.
- $43 for first citation (current fine)
- $86 for second citation
- $129 for third and subsequent citations
Recommendation #9:
Upgrade parking enforcement technology.
Recommendation #10:
Invest in electronic information systems.
Recommendation #11:
Develop transportation and parking alternatives campaign.
Recommendation #12:
Collect quarterly parking occupancy and turnover data.
Recommendation #13:
Explore voluntary private shared-parking district.
Recommendation #14:
Provide van-accessible parking upon street resurfacing.
Recommendation #15:
Streetscape Improvements.
- Wayfinding
- Landscaping
- Lighting
- Reduction of visual clutter
- Removal of excessive objects in the sidewalk.
Recommendation #16:
Expand Parking Supply
$150,000 for a feasibility study, design concept, and preliminary engineering of a site-specific parking structure. Locations may include but are not limited to:
- Boy Scout lot
- F Street parking lot (bounded by Third, Fourth, E, and F Streets)
- Amtrak lot
- A to-be-determined location between B, C, First, and Fourth Streets
Recommendation #17:
Provide administrative resources necessary for successful implementation of the Downtown Parking Management Plan.
- Improve marketing of all public transit options running into and through the downtown.
- Negotiate with Yolobus to bring the 42 buses into the core by extending service down F Street to 3rd Street, down 3rd to B, up B to 5th and back on its previous route.
- Consider ways to provide “late bird” service using Unitrans or DCT mini-buses to Mace Ranch, South Davis, West Davis and North Davis (4 unique routes) every 30 minutes from 8 PM to midnight on Thursday through Sunday each week.
- Review downtown routes and timing with Unitrans so that downtown coverage is not interrupted/changed with UC Davis breaks or during the summer.
- Encourage downtown merchants to offer small discounts, periodic specials (especially during events that draw large crowds) or less frequent opportunities to win large prizes for those who bike, walk or bus into downtown.
Recommendation #19:
Re-examine parking in-lieu parking fee policies and procedures.
- New development
- Conversion of uses
- Outdoor dining
- Fee amount
Downtown Parking Task Force Recommendations with Davis Downtown Board of Directors’ deletions and additions:
1. Deletion of Item 15: Streetscape Improvements. This is not in the purview or responsibility
of the Task Force Parking Recommendations.
2. The Davis Downtown through its Parking Committee continue to be involved in the further
refinement and implementation of the Integrated Downtown Parking Management Plan,
including the selection of parking enforcement technology, enforcement hours, and rates
3. Additional on‐street diagonal parking be explored to increase parking supply
4. The timing of issuing of X permits be linked to business license renewals through
coordinated mailing and publicity campaign
5. Downtown parking information be included on the Davis Downtown website and app, not on
any City of Davis website or app.
Parking citations issued by the Davis Police Department for parking beyond a stated time limit. Questions about payment of City of Davis parking citations should be directed to the Parking Enforcement Hotline at (530) 747-5444.
More information is available at
Please note that your vehicle can be towed, impounded or immobilized by a parking boot for the following reasons: 1) five or more outstanding parking citations 2) parking in a posted unauthorized area or in an unsafe manner 3) parking in a private lot that is properly signed, stating that it is restricted to employees and customers of that building only.